Tights - Reviews '78 - Reviews
Mirror : Record of theWeek : Bad Hearts : Reviewed by Bev Briggs
10 June 1978
"Fill in the missing word, the alternatives
are shown in the brackets. SINGLE OF THE...(Week, Decade, Phosphorus)
THE TIGHTS: 'Bad Hearts' I have chosen this as my single of the...(week,
decade, phosphorus) because (a) they sent me a badge (b) I'm a debauched
little bleeder (c) I genuinely believe that this represents the
truth of today's music and compliments the work of its forefathers.
NB For "forefathers' - read 'forefathers', not 'foreskins'.
This record shows great...(initiative, scratches, red deer), and
although...(punk, skunk, canteloupe) it is of excellent... (calibre,
sawn-off shotgun, waterpistol)
The originators of this record themselves term it as ...(Dada,
Mama, Great Aunt Heidelburg). The Tights are entreprenuers in...(Neu
Art, Misprints, foundation garments), and are mere...(teenagers,
half per cent. coyotes). I will go out and buy this single...(immediatley,
immediatley, immediatley)."
Musical Express : Bad Hearts : 17 June 1978
buzz-guitar beneath the song proper (sic)
the game away: these Dada doting lads from Worcester professing
an antipathy to punkettes sound like they'd be well at home down
the Vortex. Singer Malcolm Orgee, though, is good. And for all you
liberal feminist dykes out there, the pic sleeve features a young
girl bound by barbed wire. Pretty symbolic, eh?
: Bad Hearts : 8 July 1978
any prejudices you might have about being reminded of the sound
of '77
learn to enjoy again (like last summer) the constant riffing guitar,
studied vocals and melody line supported by the bass alone. Ignore
the girl in barbed wire bondage and war pic sleeve and pick up on
guts of the performance and wit of the tune. It's no 'Orgasm Addict'
but not long ago, Pete Shelly would've been proud of it. And Brian
Jones aside, that's better than we have any right to expect of something
coming out of Cheltenham
Maker : Bad Hearts : 10 June 1978 : Reviewed by Ian Birch
out of Worcester comes Cherry Red and The Tights, produced by John
Acock. It certainly fizzes with confidence and energy but the songs
don't hold any water beyond being two note warm-ups. Still, from
small acorns...blah, blah.